With our meticulous attention to detail, we strive to deliver the most authentic musical performance possible.
The NAIT XS 3 benefits from the following features:
• Class A headphone amplification
• Alps Blue Velvet volume control
• Reed relay input selection
• Ceramic insulators for the power transistors
• Galvanic isolation of control and audio circuits
• Microphonic-isolating PCB mounts
Versatile and reliable
The NAIT XS3 comes with a powerful 70W power amplifier and five analogue inputs, as well as a phono stage, making it a versatile and reliable choice for any music lover. Its preamplifier stage is incredibly transparent, ensuring that the sound is pure and precise.
Additionally, it features a single-ended class-A headphone output, which is ideal for private listening. it is also upgradeable with external power supplies, power amplifiers, and cabling upgrades, allowing you to achieve the best possible performance from all your audio sources.
Technology & Savoir-faire
Our R&D team has made significant improvements to the NAIT XS 3 performance. We have doubled the speed of the voltage gain stage, which doubles the rate at which the speaker output stage can react. The second gain stage transistors have been optimised, eliminating the need for a cascode stage transistor, which means less amplifier stabilisation is needed, doubling the slew rate, and improving sound quality.
Our phono circuit topology consists of three stages, which results in outstanding noise performance, extended RIAA equalisation beyond the audio band, and great overload headroom. All RIAA equalisation capacitors are through-hole mounted film designs to provide low microphonic pickup and excellent transient performance. Our input impedance is 47kΩ in parallel with 470pF capacitive loading, and our gain is perfect for 5mV moving magnet cartridges.
To take full advantage of Nait XS3 performance and enjoy exceptional listening, pair it with Kanta N°1 and Kanta N°2 speakers.
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